domingo, 31 de março de 2013
Felicidade é um tempero nato:
Tua gula perante minha fome,
Meu sangue bailante em teu prato.
terça-feira, 26 de março de 2013
Hi Barry.
First of all, thank you so much for your attention. I never had someone as charitable as you are by sending me this message.
Things are pretty rough for me, mainly because I am doing absolutely nothing to change. I can't seem to have the power to do so. I think of a lot of different ways to strenghten myself, but they all seem so big compared to me, that I feel low and I feel small. I think they call it depression, and its consequences are to cause bad impressions, not only to people around me, but also to myself.
I used to be so active! So smart, nice to everyone, sincere, charming, handsome.. I used to move mountains, convert demons, polish angels, furbish lost cathedrals and even to find the right people, whether it was the right time or not! Now I feel like Atlas, carrying the whole world upon my shoulders, walking barefoot on rocky soil, but the weight is so huge for me to get strong, my bones are turning into wood, my body's turning into winter, and I'm feeling alone. Gosh, how lonely I am! And how deaf, for people to come and try to cheer me up while I continue to be the same.
I'll surely write, and I'll surely move myself, I trully hope so. I'll also search for outer help.. Maybe spiritual centers, churches, meditation, things which I never thought that I'd be so inclinated to go for.
Do you have a "joyness hobby"? I mean, something that always cheers you up, that calms your spirit? I would love to try that too.
Again, thank you so much for your kind words, and your attention. Kind people like you are of increasing rarity in this cruel world, and I'll stick with you whenever you need.
segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013
quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2013
Hoje não é um bom dia para pessoas
Ao menos acho que acordei assim
Diga logo o que você quer dizer
Que nunca é o que você quer de mim
Não invente grandes histórias de glórias
Anéis, calça e botas, cadarço e sapato
Diga logo e tão logo vire e vá embora
Deixe-me aqui com meu anonimato
Estou gripado, desalmado e constipado
E assim continuarei e estarei sozinho
Diga algo, seja breve, leve, pontual
Há por demais ovos a chocar no ninho
Hoje não é um bom dia para pessoas
Depois não diga que omiti meu desalinho.
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