segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2022

Sinful Children of Gemini

Please forgive us
Sinful children of Gemini
For we could not ever develop
The ability to love

For ours is a world of matter irrelevance
And even though hard we tried
We couldn't thrive on being hooked
About the shimmering of your looks
The shallowness of your careless words
And how you talk about
Among, amidst, abstained to each other

For we are much more interested
In how you let slip your tiny lil' secrets
Through the rareness of your ever goofy
Odd, simple, unique, pure, natural acts
And the way which with a brief
Yet forevermore grand accident of your mind
You let loose a fragrant grain of your soul
Into a desert of repeating warmth

Please forgive us
Sinful children of Gemini
For it is ours only and truly
An inconfessional nature

Our minds are spread through endless layers
That intercalate our tree of senses
One day we oughta take over the world
The day after we just wanna sleep
When fruits are ripe and soon have fallen
Playfully we climb some other dead tree

We measure intensity by signs of rhythm
Masterdom of artwork and communication
Often misinterpreted, we're used to it
We dare to risk after thorough calculation
Our complex simplicity seen as a labyrinth
We crave for peace outside outer influence
Our inner worlds are seldomly not the key

Please forgive us
Sinful children of Gemini
For we are devote to your spirit
And not much else


Eu poderia estar investido
Em construção
Como nato artesão que sou
Modéstia à parte

Tenho reverenciado a arte
Ela alto em baluarte
Como toda bandeira em riste
Permeado velho jargão

Poderia de pepita e brita
Tropicar n'água
Como fugaz sino que soara
Nunca em disparate

Tenho esculpido escudo objetivo
Um fado
Como se cada qual golpe ferisse
E batalhas fossem em vão

Mas sendo a esperança
A única que não corre
Sigo em peso dessa armadura

Mesmo que seu brilho forte
Tal qual exímia força
De minha empunhadura

Certo como o sul e o norte

terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2022


Tua boca um milagre
Cada gole um encanto
Ainda que ledo engano
Teu beijo um camafeu

Quis só que fosse meu
Só, não naquele ponto
Teus lábios um encontro
Salada em meu vinagre

Toque que inflama e arde
Um friozinho na barriga
Um fiozinho a mais na liga
Que traça até a ruptura

Vida que tão sempre dura
Enquanto dura o teu néctar
Faz minha seiva perplexa
Inundar teu céu escarlate

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2022


Most peers are way too impulsive
Can't help but find it a bit repulsive
But maybe that's just because I'm jealous
That I am always too far conclusive
Instead of simply just being allusive
I'm often forcefully elusive
And mostly seen as either invasive
Or many a pitfalls beyond reclusive
Assuming an ID that is exclusive
I'm sometimes lonely and abusive
Towards an omen of building meadows
Where I can stand upon being accusive
My brilliancies outburst obtrusive
I can't avoid ending up diffusive
The native stench of being creative
Outlasts ordeal parfumes amusive